Today I woke up and was feeling like I needed one of these (massages) big time! That is supposed to be AFTER the race! But I was really sore. Mostly in my quads and glutes. I must have pushed it a little too hard yesterday, although I really don't feel like I did. Maybe it's still lingering from the accident. Whatever reason, it has stressed me out. I am not doing anything from now until the marathon. At least I hope. That is hard to not do anything. Maybe I can walk a bit. I know you aren't supposed to do anything in order to let your body heal and recover so you will be able to giv
e it all you can on race day. Not real easy for me when I feel like my body needs more training still. But I will resist! What a woman! ☺
This is a photo of my new shoes. I know it sounds bad to get new shoes so close to the big race, but theoretically you are supposed to be able to walk out of the store after buying them and be able to run a marathon that day. A good pair of running shoes shouldn't need any time to break them in. However, I am not sure I believe that 100%. I have had to get used to these this week because they are not like my other ones. They are good and I know they will be fine, but just different. I am a little worried about the left one rubbing on my Achilles a little. I went to lunch with some friends today and ran into another friend who is running the half on Saturday too. She is a long time runner and so I picked her brain a bit. She informed me on such things as Imodium on race day, 800 mg of Ibuprofen immediately after the race to prevent soreness, drinking a TON of water the day before, eating carbs the day before, how it's all mental, etc. Most of what I already know, but it is always good to be told AGAIN. I talked to Jen today and she seems real nervous. We need to keep each other from going nuts before this is over!
I am still trying to figure out the logistics for Saturday. I really don't want to have to leave here at 4:15 a.m. But I may have to. I won't start running until Jen is done with the first half and so I will start on mile 13 with her. It will probably be around 9:15 or so. That means I will have to catch the runner bus at 5 a.m. and WAIT that whole time! And Jen and I will be at different locations. That doesn't sound real appealing. I am trying to find out if I can get a ride to the half starting point, but it looks like the canyon will be closed. I will find out Friday when we pick up our packets. I am trying to psyche myself up and think of this as just a long training run and not a real race. I need to keep working on that! This is turning into a long post so I will end now!
How exciting I am feeling nervouse just reading yours and jen's blogs... I wish i was there running with you guys.. How exciting... Are you guys running in the peach days one. I have alot of questions Im hoping to get awnsered about marathons and training by you or jen. What was the name of that book you reccomended? Can i get your email so i dont waist all your comment page up lol.... good luck Sat..
It's going to be good! I'm back to feeling excited and optimistic! It's amazing what sleep will do for you! I can't believe it's almost here! I think you'll be fine going the other way to the start of the half. That will save you some sleep time! Tomorrow will be fun getting our packets and shirts and stuff! Can't wait!
Raigon, the book is called The Complete Book of RUnning for WOmen by Clair Kowalchick. I don't want to post my email on here, so just ask your mom for it, she has mine.
Thanks for the encouragement!!!!!!
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