At least that is what I keep telling myself. Today wasn't one of those really great days. I didn't hear my alarm and so I was late getting to the gym. To make matters worse, my membership scanning card was on the key chain of the car that I crashed on Friday and only my son knew where it was and he was asleep. So I had to wait until someone came or left to get in. I got there about 6:12 a.m. and the only person I saw leave was one guy as I pulled in the parking lot. I waited at the door for a while, but no one came or left, and so I decided to bag it because I was freezing. I forgot my jacket because I was in such a hurry. I was pretty bummed knowing I haven't been to a strength training class since before Hawaii. I know it will be to my detriment in the race on Saturday and so I really wanted to do it today. I came home and was going to run, but the hubby had to go into work early and so I needed to do all the carpooling. When I finished with that, my son was still home and I needed his help on the computer and so we did that for quite a while. The stuff I was doing on the computer was making me crazy in itself. It was really chilly this morning and so I wasn't motivated to go out anyway, but I was still planning on it. Then I started to feel really sluggish and I was getting a serious headache and so I kept putting off my run ALL DAY! I really did NOT want to go! What is the matter with me??? That is not like me. My parents called and said they were on their way and I was so grateful for an excuse not to have to go. After they left, the day just got away from me. I was going to go about 3:30, but my headache won out on that one. The worst part of it all is my attitude! I am just feeling pretty discouraged because nothing has fit into place during the last couple of weeks and I feel like I am NOT going to be able to endure that long run. I feel like I am setting myself up for a day of torture and failure. So what did I do? Turned to the CURE ALL for everything.
Yes, I OD'd on:
What else?
I need to shake off this attitude and just try and remember I HAVE actually trained for it even though the past couple weeks do NOT show that at ALL! I was really getting excited on Saturday, but now I just feel depressed about the whole thing. I am seriously doubting my ability to endure the distance. I hope tomorrow will be better. Total Distance: ANOTHER BIG FAT ZERO!!!! 
All of us know you CAN do it!!! You are a strong person and do anything you want. You have trained and wanted this, so go for it and don't look back!!!
Jodi, Jodi, Jodi, you are going to be fine! I promise! It is going to be so fun and the most beautiful run you've ever been on (well besides Hawaii). You'll be able to make it and it will be worth all the time you've put in! I wouldn't go to ANY strength training this week! You haven't been for a while and you'd just get sore! That's the LAST thing you want this week! Just take it easy, you only need to run twice this week besides Saturday. I'm going to feel really bad if you're stressing out! Just relax and take it easy and Saturday will be great! And by the way, I loved your shirt. That's YOUR color! I can't believe I searched all over and you found yours so easily!
You will do great dont get discouraged. You will be surprised come sat and amazed at what your body will be able to do. You will be awesome.. Let me know how it goes... Also will you give me the name of that book on running you told me about in one of my early running blogs.
Thanks so much.. Remember relax no stress!!! Wish I was doing it with you..
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